4 Advantages of Nighttime Helicopter Tours in L.A.

One of the best ways to explore the city of Los Angeles is through a helicopter tour. A helicopter will fly across multiple landmarks in the city and gives you a unique view of the tourist area. When you book a helicopter tour, you have one main choice to make. You can select to take a daytime or nighttime flight.
While both offer spectacular views, you can find several advantages with a night tour over the city. Learn about the advantages and how you can enjoy a memorable trip through Los Angeles.

1. No Glares
When you take a helicopter tour of Los Angeles during the day, one of the biggest issues you will run into is direct sunlight. Even with sunglasses, the direct sun could create major glares and make it hard to see the city properly. With a night flight, you do not have to worry about the sun. The city becomes fully illuminated by streetlights, building lights, and other sources.
You will not miss out on key locations and can take everything in with the unobstructed view. Even if the moon is full, the impact of the moon’s light will not affect your helicopter tour.

2. Illuminated Attractions
If you do not know the Los Angeles area well, you may miss out on some key attractions when a helicopter flies by during the day. Even when the tour guide points out buildings and attractions, you may have trouble spotting them until the last moment when the helicopter has flown by already.
At night, spotting attractions is a lot easier because the locations rely on spotlights and specialty lighting to make each one stand out. One of the best views includes the Hollywood sign. Huge spotlights shine and illuminate the letters of “Hollywood” as the sign sits on a large hill over the city area.
Arenas like the Staples center are also easy to spot, because the top of the arena features giant letters that spell out the name of the venue you can easily see from overhead.

3. New Perspectives
While flying over LA during the day will give you a bird’s-eye view of just how large this metropolis is, a nighttime flight will introduce you to the true expanse and wonder of the city. The nighttime sky ignites with millions of lights from homes, businesses, and attractions. A nighttime trip through the skies of LA is like no other.
You will be able to fully appreciate the full breadth of LA and all its nightlife from the unique perspective of a helicopter.

4. Red Carpet Events
A helicopter tour may give you the chance to watch some star-studded red carpet events. Hollywood is host to premieres all the time and a helicopter tour could fly you over some landmark movie theaters and premiere locations. As you fly through the night, look for large spotlights pointed up at the sky.
The lights are indicators of an event and a helicopter may fly directly over the area. Before your trip, you can check out premiere calendars to see what’s scheduled. By knowing the schedule, you can get an idea of what celebrities will appear at the event and whom you can try to spot from the views above.
You will get to see the full length of the red carpet, any elaborate decorations set up, and collections of limos and other luxury cars.
Enjoy everything the night has to offer with our tours at Lite Flight. We will guide you around the city and provide a memorable tour that showcases the unique lifestyle of Los Angeles at night.